2023 Open Events
IOM SW District Open
21st May 2023
Poole Park, Poole BH14 8DX
19 helms gathered at Poole for this event which took place in glorious sunshine and North to North-East breeze, which occasionally overpowered the A rigs that were set by all helms. There was a good mix of local and visiting helms most of whom had visited Poole before.
The helms voted to sail in fleets rather than having a crowded start line. Peter Wiles as RO laid a course on the large part of the lake rather than within our usual enclosure. This allowed a better course to be set and avoided the fluky conditions that are caused by the houses to the East of the lake.
8 races were fitted in, with a break for lunch which gave an unrushed feeling to the racing. This was helped by the helms keeping an eye on the fleet board and hence being on the water promptly for each race. Adjustments to the course were made throughout the day with the start line needing adjusting for most races. The top two boats of Nigel Barrow and Tony Edwards were very consistent, with a mistake counting the number of rounds and a collision causing their worse scores of the day. The prize giving was slightly delayed whilst a protest (the only one of the day to go to a protest meeting) was resolved and scores adjusted accordingly. Nigel and Tony both ended up with 10 points with Nigel taking 1st place on count back. Rob Dyer took up the third slot with 17 points.
Peter Wiles distributed the prizes and those involved in the organisation and catering were thanked for their efforts which had enabled the smooth running of the event.

Thanks to Paul Robson for these great images